Good Neighbors incorporated NonProfit charitable organization
Good Neighbors Incorporated is a nonprofit, 501 (c) (3), charitable organization. Internal audits are completed annually. Form 990 is filed with the IRS annually. We are registered with the BBB and the Ohio Attorney General as a charitable organization. Good Neighbors, Inc. continues to meet the BBB's 20 Standards for Charity Accountability.
Our Governing Council consists of Officers, Trustees, Unit Managers and Committee Members who attend quarterly meetings. Good Neighbors is a true nonprofit with only one part-time paid employee and over three hundred volunteers. Our dedicated volunteers operate our six locations in Akron, Cuyahoga Falls, Ellet, Green and Tallmadge.
Good Neighbors relies on donations and financial contributions from individuals, businesses, foundations, schools, churches, civic and social organizations to fulfill our mission.
Donations and financial contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. Financial contributions can be mailed to our Central Office or to a specified Good Neighbors Unit in your community. Please specify which of our Good Neighbors locations you would like your donation to benefit.
Donations of food, clothing, shoes, outerwear, adult and baby diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, cleaning supplies, personal care items, blankets, books and small household items are always needed.
With the help and support from our community, we can make a difference in the lives of many people.
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." Gandhi
A Hoban High School Student Volunteer sent us a copy of her essay written about her community service at our Goodyear Heights Community Outreach and Food Center: "Hunger to Hope" "My sophomore year of high school, at Hoban, I chose to participate in a different kind of volunteering for my service hours. Throughout the summer months, I worked at a place in Akron called Good Neighbors, Inc. This particular food bank operates mainly on donations, church members, and kids like me. My first job was to help all the volunteers get ready for the day by stacking the shelves. Once people in need came in the door, I would pick up a sheet that specified how much food their family needed. In a sense, it was like grocery shopping, but instead of grocery shopping by yourself, it was for the hungry. After I would gather all the essentials, I met the person at a little window to greet them and give them their food. Each day we would feed 50 to 100 families. This has been my favorite and most rewarding service so far, fulfilling Jesus's work. The entire experience was based on Christ's poverty. The families we were feeding relied on the food given to them each month. Whatever their circumstances, ranging from one single adult to a single mother with five kids, they were in need of food. Many of these people were just trying to get by. Luckily, the volunteers who come in almost every day or every week, make the poor's lives a little better. I saw the sacrifices those volunteers made through their work. They sacrificed their time to be there, for those in need. Keep in mind, they are also all retired and older, so they could be treating themselves, but they care more about carrying out God's work. Just like Jesus taught us to be like him, the volunteers and I followed his word. Jesus said to cloth the naked, shelter the homeless, visit those in prison, and feed the poor. I directly gave an abundance of food to those who needed it most, right in our community. Along with serving the poor, a type of healing process occurs. Being a friendly face in a cruel world reminds the people that there is hope. That smile back and thank you shows that they believe in hope too. This exchange of hope shows God's love is present through the world and his people. The care I gave to complete strangers showed the love I have for people struggling. All of the amazing qualities of working with the vulnerable have made me a better person on the inside. This experience personally has shown me a side of life that I'm not used to. I have been blessed with the life I have, never worrying where my next meal would come from. Some people, whether it be neighbors, friends, or your own family may not have those basic needs covered. For me, this encounter gave me an insight on how other people are living. You never think that you will ever be homeless or starving, but I'm sure the people at that food bank never thought they would be either. I learned to love the life I was given and to be grateful for the wonderful opportunities I have surrounding me. Anything can happen in a split second, whether it be a good or bad fortune. Right now, all I can do is make someone's bad time, a not so bad time with God's saving work."
Thanks to our friends and supporters, the Goodyear Heights Annex Building mortgage was paid in less than 4 years. Some of our past clients sent financial contributions noting that we helped them when they were in need and wanted to give back. Our food center's cargo van was recently stolen but thanks to our generous community, we were able to purchase another van.
Thanks to the generosity of their community, the Cuyahoga Falls Good Neighbors was able to purchase and renovate their new building.
A supporter recently donated items to our food center. As she was leaving, she said that she will always donate to Good Neighbors because 20 years ago when she was down on her luck, our volunteers treated her with dignity and respect, helped her out so much and even carried the groceries to her car. She said that she will always be grateful and never forget what the Good Neighbors did for her!
A friend of Good Neighbors recently posted on our Facebook page... "When my fiancee' and I were down on our luck, Good Neighbors was always kind to us whenever we needed food or clothing. These guys were amazing, if you ever need food and help they will be happy to assist you!"
A supporter called to say that she wants to give back to our organization. She remembers as a child how much Good Neighbors helped her family with clothing and food and how much it meant to them be to treated so kindly by our volunteers.
We received an email from a supporter who said that at a time when she was facing many challenges..."Good Neighbors was a huge contributor to getting myself back on my feet. I don't know where we would have been without you." She said that her marriage was ending, her family disowned her and she lost her job. Good Neighbors helped her with food, clothing, furniture and Christmas gifts. She will never forget how much Good Neighbors helped her. She is finally at the point where she can give back and wanted to donate to Good Neighbors. She said that her family still remembers their first visit to Good Neighbors. She thanked Good Neighbors for all that we do for families.
Recently, a couple donated 2 car loads of all new clothing, personal care supplies and household items to our food center. They said that when they immigrated to our country, the Good Neighbors Volunteers helped them with food and other necessities. They will never forget the help and kindness that they received and want to give back to others in need.